Amid the political back-and-forth that plagued healthcare reform and the media for the last six months, Americans continued to wonder and worry about the future of their healthcare coverage under Obamacare. Now that Congress is shifting gears and healthcare...
The term “Obamacare” is in the news almost daily and it has become a household word for many Americans, yet many consumers are still unsure about the details of the plan and how it can affect them. HealthNetwork has recently released data showing that...
In 2010, former President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law in the U.S. For millions of Americans, this meant that healthcare coverage that previously was not available to them was now a reality, but for others it meant nothing more than higher...
Are you tired of getting reminders by email or mail to sign up for 2017 coverage under the Affordable Care Act? Since President Trump has been elected, you may think that signing up is a waste of time, particularly if you don’t expect to see a doctor this year. After...
The Affordable Care Act created grant programs designed to help states oversee and enforce market reforms, and guarantee consumer protection for those using the new health care marketplace systems. To assist each state with its health insurance rate review processes,...